Saturday, March 14, 2009

An Afternoon at the Museum

My nephew and I wandered around The Manitoba Museum today. I really enjoyed the inter-active learning exibits featured there. The dinasour exhibit was interesting but I think my favorite part was the urban centre with the railway, shops, and silent movie theatre. (Looking back, I think that was my favorite part of the museum 30 years ago! Remember when they used to sell candy in the old candy shop?)

I was fascinated to re-read all the signs on the exhibits from a family history perspective. I imagined what it would've been like for my Great-Grandparents to raise families in sod or log houses surrounded by the prairie grasslands. Their everyday life would have been hardship for me. Imagine having to use that heavy iron or that wood stove or that handcart!

At the same time, I was impressed with how much my nephew had learned about the history of our planet, country, and province. He was just as happy as I was to read every word on the info plackets. He loved almost every artifact; eagerly learning more.

Conversely, Kristen was scared in the museum so my mom took her out. (It turns out someone had been telling her horrifying and untrue stories about people dying off the Nonsuch plank!) In addition, my mom wouldn't buy her a particular toy from the gift shop. So she wasn't in a good mood even before we entered the museum. So, while I had a blast, my mother endured at least an hour of whining, bargaining, and negotiating. (Poor Mother! Poor Kristen!)

Here's are the lessons to be learned: Never go into the gift shop with a child before touring the museum. Always have a plan B consisting of what to do if an emotional meltdown happens during an outing. Plan to spend about two hours at the museum because there is much to see and do!


  1. It's been a looong time since I was at the museum! I think the last time might have been with you! You mean they DON"T sell candy there anymore?! Bummer!!

    Thanks for the "lessons to be learned"...they'll come in handy when I find some time to take my nieces/nephews!

  2. Thanks, Rome! It is really fun there. I am sure you will have a blast with your nieces/nephews!

    The old Candy shop that used to be in the Urban/railroad area is now a Particulars shop and is only on display. Bummer, huh!

    You can buy treats outside in the lobby area. There is a gift shop and a small cantene.
