Thursday, April 16, 2009

I am soooOOOoooo tired!

Last night, I took my neice and nephew to the church for Scouts and a Primary Achievement Day. Both kids seemed to have a riot.

Wesley and the other boys recieved a brand new scary-looking pocket knife. He certified for a Scout Knife License so I guess I don't have to freak out about all the potential hazards surrounding an almost 12 year old boy working with a knife. He loved it!

Kristen and the girls in her group did manicures on each other. They used all kinds of colors and put those sparkly decorations on their nails. All of them were happy with the activity. They wrapped it up with popsicles for refreshments. ( I managed to score a lime popsicle for was an extra. Lucky me!)

(I remember having this coversation with Romy about the spelling of popsicle...or is it it fudgescicle or fudgesicle?)

When it was time to round up the kids and take them home, an incident occurred which required a spontaneous teaching moment. I tried to drive the point home (no pun intended but it happens to be convenient!) while they were stuck in the van for the five minute ride home.

I think I did the right thing but there is such a fine line of what to do when problems arise with kids. You never know what messages you are unintentionally sending them. I just hope that the message they received will help them to figure out how to make right choices in the face of temptations. I wonder how full-time parents do it.

Sleep seemed half-done when I, finally, talked myself awake this morning. That seemed to set the tone for my day. With learning a new job, it is important to be on my "A" game, however, I think I resorted to a "B" game today. I just felt like the day dragged on and on. I noticed that I wasn't always paying attention to what people were saying; especially if it was a really long story about something not related to work. Today was a day filled with slow moving glitches and an easily distracted attention span.


PS: We should change the name of Sturgeon Creek to Sturgeon River. (...because the water level has risen so much that I think it is too wide, deep, and fast to be a creek.)

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